~*¤~QuOtE pAgE~¤*~

These are some of my favorite quotes.

~¤~U aLwAyS wAnT wHaT u CaN't HaVe!
WhEn U cAn'T hAvE iT, u WaNt iT eVeN mOrE!
oNcE u HaVe iT, u DoN't WaNt It AnYmOrE!~¤~

«~¤~WhEn FrIeNdS sHoUlD bE tHeRe
WhEn YoU aRe CrYiN fRoM a GuY
iNsTeAd ThEy ArE fLiRtIn WiTh ThE gUy!¡!~¤~»

«~¤ü HaD bEtTa TaKe SoMe SlEePiN
pIlLs BaBy...CüZ tHe OnLy pLaCe
U'lL gEt Me Is In Ur DrEaMz!¡!»

~*:·.PeOpLe ArE gUnA tALk BoUt u SpEcIaLlY
wHeN tHeY eNvY u N tHe LiFe U LiVe...lEt ThEm..
U aFfEcTeD tHeIr LiVeS...tHeY dIdNt
AfFeCt UrS...·:*~

*~LoViNg HiM wAsN't ThE pRoBlEm,
GeTtInG tO cLoSe WaS ~*

*~NeVeR uNdErEsTiMaTe ThE

~*~i cRiEd tOdAy.. nOt bEaCaUsE i mIsS yOu..
oR eVeN wAnTeD yOu bUt bEcAuSe i fInAlLy
rEaLiZeD iM gOnNa bE AlRiTe wItH oUt yOu~*~

~~*If YoU hAtE mE wHy Do YoU aLwAyS
mAkE mE tHe CeNtEr Of YoUr wOrLd?*~~

~*¤i ThiNk i'Ve aLrEaDy LoSt YoU
i tHiNk uR aLreAdy GoNe
i tHiNk i'M fiNaLLy ScArEd nOw
yOu ThiNk i'M wEaK, i ThiNk yOuR wRoNg¤*~

*100 memories,
200 jokes,
300 great times,
400 secrets
1 reason..

~¤~U tOlD mE u LoVeD mE bUt U lIeD
u ToLd Me U'd Be ThErE aNd ThEn I cRiEd~¤~

~*~If YoU lOvE tWo PeOpLe, YoU dOn'T
lOvE eItHeR oNe EnOuGh.~*~

~*~I lOvE yOu BuT i'M nOt In
LoVe WiTh YoU~*~

**Judge your boyfriend on how he
treats your bestfriend!!**

~Day by day, nothing seems to
change but pretty soon,
everything's different~

~¤*~I wAs WiTh HiM sO lOnG,
I gReW tO bE sO sTrOnG,
nOw wErE nOt ToGeThEr,
I'm WeAkEr ThEn EvEr~*¤~

~¤You do not love someone under
the condition that this
person would love you back¤~

~~Should I smile, Cuz ur my friend,
Or cry..Cuz that's all we'll ever be?~~

¤~No guy is worth your tears
& when you find one that is,
he won't make you cry.~¤

¤*A Million WORDS Would Not
Bring You Back, I Know, Because I've
Tried. Neither Would A Million TEARS.
I Know, Because I've Cried*¤

~~¤¤NoThiN iS mOrE pAiNfuL Then ReALiZiN
He MenT eVeRyThiN 2 u,
& u MenT nOtHiN 2 HiM¤¤~~

~*¤I haven't found my Mr. Right Just
Mr. Rude Mr. He thinks he looks
better than me and Mr.
Gives a new meaning to

~~*We weren't sisters by birth,
but we knew from the start...
fate brought us together to
be sisters by heart!*~~

¤I'm On A Mission To Get Ove You....
In Other Words *Mission Impossible*!!¤

**Have you ever noticed that the
worst way to miss someone is when they
are right beside you and yet you
cannot have them.**

~¤I dont have an Attitude Problem...
Its supposed to be like this¤~

~i'M nOt SmiLiN At u !
i'M TrYiN nOt 2 LauGh!~

*Friends last forever,
but Boyfriends only last you so long!*

~*~I cry for the time that U were almost mine,
I cry 4 the memories I've left behind,
I cry for the pain, the lost,
the old the new, I cry for the times
I thought I had you~*~

~¤Wanting him is hard to get.
Loving him is hard to regret.
Losing him is hard to accept.
But with all the hurt I've felt,
letting go is the most painful yet.¤~

~~-I never meant tø hurt yøu-
-yøu're pretty when yøu cry-
-I never really løved yøu-
-I'm pretty when I lie-~~


**Some people are just not
mean't to be in your life**

¤¤You got no reason to be jealous,
ive never been untrue...
so whats it really matter if theyre lookin,
im only lookin at YOU!!¤¤

~¤~U can say u love me but until
u prove it the words mean nothing 2 me.~¤~

**¤¤I smile b-cuz I have no idea
what is going on**¤¤

¤WhAt U SeE iS WhAt U DoNt gEt sO
-DrOoL oN -DrEaM oN -MOVE ON!!¤

~*~Luv Means Never Having 2 Say Ur Sorry~*~

**He broke my heart, so i broke his jaw**

~*~*Friends are 4ever,
Guyz are whatever,
When worst comez 2 worst,
My girlz come 1st!*~*~

~¤You took the~L~outta LOVER
and now its~over~¤~

~*~Tears Are Unspoken Words~*~

¤¤You told me not to talk to you
So I told myself not to cry
But not talking to you for dayz
Just makes me wanna die!¤¤

**Tell me that you love me
Tell me that you care
Even if you're lying,
Thats what I need to hear**

**¤¤I love him so much that
it turns to hate...¤¤**


¤I think it's werid when i love you,
I think it's werid when i care
I think it's werid when i want you,
when you dont even know i am there¤

*Learn the rules...then break them*

~*~Fact: If you ever hurt me...
you get it back 10 times worse...~*~

~¤~Theres a total diffrence
between me~N~you i have skill
~N~ u have problems~¤~

*This time it's over, I'm keeping
my heart ,I'm gonna be strong &
not fall apart .. It'll get better,
I'll no longer cry.. In a couple of weeks,
I wont want 2 die, I won't want 2 go
back, I'll be able 2 sleep, It won't
hurt so bad, & it won't feel so deep*

¤I'm convincing myself, yes I'll
find some1 new, I won't be alone, &
I won't be w/you .. You're waiting 4me,
2crawl back to ur side but no..
not this time, I'm keeping my pride..
So goodbye 4ever, I'll be on my way,
It's gonna take time, but I'll be okay¤

~¤Daddy's little girl! But not the girl
that daddy knew, Daddy never had a clue!¤~

~*You never lose by loving,
you always lose by holding back.*~

~*~To catch me, you gotta be fast;
to find me, you gotta be smart; but
to BE ME!! DARN! You must be kidding!!~*~

*I'm not supposed to love you,
I'm not supposed to care,
I'm not supposed to live my life,
wishing you were there.
I'm not supposed to wonder where
you are or what you do,
I'm sorry I just can't help myself,
I fell in love with you*

~~No where on your BIRTH CERTIFICATE
did it say life would be fair~~

¤-íMåGíNé Ur LíFé WíThØuT Mé-
-¿Mí§éRåBLé HuH?-¤

~¤I dOnT cHaSe eM...jUs rEpLaCe eM!!¤~

~Hey guess what? I got a
headache from YOU!~

*If u have somtin to say it
to my face, not behind my back!!*

¤¤I didn't mean to hurt you,
But your sexy when you cry.
Maybe I really loved you,
HaHa!!! Aren't I cute when I lie???¤¤

**I may not always be rite but
im NEVER wrong!**

~¤I am actually quite nice...
till i'm awake!¡!¤~

¤¤Sarcasm keeps you from tellin
people what you really think of them.¤¤

~*~It MiGhT hAvE bEeN tRuE,
I dId LoVe YoU,bUt ThEn YoU cHaNgEd,
So My LoVe ReArRaNgEd, YoU wEnT fOr My
FrIeNd, sO i SaId ItS oVeR... tHe EnD.~*~

*Who do you turn too when the only
who who can dry your tears is the one
who made you cry*

~~Don't cry over someone who won't
cry over you.~~

*¤..CaNcel My Subscrptions..
..I'M oVeR uR iSsUeS..*¤

**¤¤If Your asking if I Need U the
answer is 4Ever.. If Your askin if I'll
Leave U the answer is Never..If Your askin
what I value the Answer is U.. if Your
askin if I love U the answer is I do**¤¤

~**~I'll try being nicer...
If you try being smarter.~**~

*If love were simple why
are there break-ups?
If friends are supposed to be true,
why do some lie?
If guys are supposed to love, why are
there the one's that break your heart?
Everyone says things are simple then
there's that one that makes it hard.*

¤The only driving you've done
all day is driving me crazy.¤

~~¤¤Your jealousy is my energy,
ever wonder why I am so hyper?¤¤~~

--Love is when u cant pay
attention in class--
--cuz u foreva writin ur first
name wit his last--

~*ATtItUdE OuT Of CoNtRoL!!!!!!*~

*Guys, u cant live with them,
but they wont go away!*

~¤NeVeR sAy U hATe HiM
iF u CaN't LeT gO oF HiM!¤~

¤¤You broke my heart into pieces,
so now its my turn to break
something of yours.¤¤

**How do u know if it's right?
and if it is right........
what if u've already let him go?**

~*¤One minute I am his girl.........
the next my best friend is his girl!¤*~

~**If you HoLd mY haND ....
HoLD It TiGhT caUse WheN yoU LeT GO...
OuR LOve HaS BeeN LosT..**~

*~!@#$~* Not You, Not Now,
Not EVER *~!@#$~*

**REMINDER: hating me
won't make you pretty!**

¡¡ I wanted to stop !!
*§* I just couldn't *§*
¿ How can I ?
..:. I was addicted .:..

¤¤I was afraid to love you forever,
but when I did, I lost you forever.¤¤

~*Every night you make me cry,
and I wonder why i stay with you.
I guess the reason is because I love you
and can't see myself with anyone but you.*~

~¤Love doesn't cause pain, people do.¤~

~~You know you love someone when you
want them to be happy, even if their
happiness means you're not part of it.~~

~**A person can never get over a broken
heart if they aren't willing to let go
of all of the pieces**~

*So I keep thinking that when your
finally ready to be more than best friends,
I won't be here, but then I laugh at myself
for even thinking that I wont still be here waiting.*

¤Blondes have it made.
Brunettes don't have an excuse to act stupid.¤

~*~What is it that I dislike about you?
Is there really anything? Is there?
No, I realized it when you looked at me
and the way you treated me that you are
so perfect for me. But the only question is,
am I perfect for you?~*~

~¤~ How come you have enough time to
go out and make other girls fall in love
with you, but you don't have enough time
to pay attention to the girl who already does?~¤~

**I sit here crying not because
I miss you but because I know I will
never have a chance to hurt
you like you hurt me.**

¤¤And the sad part is, that no matter
what goes on this year, when you come
running back to me again,
you know I'll be here.¤¤

~~Think of this. Your looking into a computer
screen seeing letters coming from somewhere
out there. Then think of me, on the other end,
saying those words and meaning them
with all of my heart.~~

~*To be honest with you, I don't have the
words to make you feel better. But I do have
arms to give you a hug. I have ears to listen
to whatever you want to talk about.
And I have a heart - A heart that is aching
to see you smile again...*~

~¤You can't help who it is you
fall in love with, whether they're older younger,
taller or shorter, completely opposite,
or just like you.¤~

~~Every place I go I think of you,
every song I sing, I sing for you.~~

~*¤My WeBpAgE¤*~
~*ClAsS oF 2007 WeBsItEs*~